Campanile of Saint Mark

Campanile of Saint Mark

The campanile of Saint Mark, about 100 metres of hight, was originally a watch tower to control the entrance to Venice and the lagoon.
Collapsed in 1902, the campanile of Saint Mark was reconstructed exactly the way it used to be, with stronger wooden foundations, as usual in Venice.
During Carnival, a popular event takes place on Saint Mark’s bell tower: on Fat Thursday, a person, usually a girl (sometimes a performer or shobiz personality) disguised as an angel slides on a tense cord from the Campanile to the Doge’s palace: it is il volo della colombina or volo dell’angelo, the flight of the angel. Anciently, it was an acrobat to walk on this cord, and this was known as the volo del Turco (the flight of the Turkish).


However, even visitors can climb on the top of the Campanile of Saint Mark (an elevator is available), and admire the breath-taking view, that may even include the Alpes if the weather is particularly nice.


Piazza San Marco, 30124 - Venezia
Water bus Line 1, 2, N, | San Marco Vallaresso